INFORMATIONInstructions Credit Support
For best experience, it is recommended Crossword is played in portrait orientation.
How to playEach across and down answer has a clue. Look at the clues and solve the puzzle by typing the answers.
Web InstructionsClick any square to make it active. When you click a puzzle square, the active clue will appear in the clue list with a colored highlight. Click a second time to change the clue direction.
You may select specific clues and scroll through the clue lists with the mouse as well. Click the small arrows at the bottom of the clue lists to scroll. Select a specific clue by clicking on the clue in the list. The squares for its answer will be highlighted in the puzzle, and the first square for the answer will be the active square. Press ENTER or TAB to move to the next clue. Press SHIFT-ENTER or SHIFT–TAB to move to the previous clue. Use ARROW keys to change the active letter. Press the SPACE BAR to toggle between DOWN and ACROSS clues. Press DELETE or BACKSPACE to delete a letter you have typed.Mobile Instructions
Tap any square in the puzzle to make that square the active letter and highlight its corresponding clue. Double tap any square to change the orientation of the active clue from ACROSS to DOWN and vice versa. Type your answer using the keyboard. Scroll through the clues using the blue clue bar.
Regular ModeIn Regular Mode, incorrect letters are shown in red. Use the “HINT” options button to reveal letters and words.
Expert Play ModeIn Expert Mode, all hints are turned off.
Skill level option can be changed at any time while playing a puzzle.
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Copyright © Andrews McMeel UniversalFor more information on any of the puzzles, contact the Andrews McMeel Universal sales department at [email protected]
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